Monday, March 4, 2013

Disturbing facts about the Radical Beliefs of Mainstream Islam

The media reports that extremist Muslims make up only a tiny fraction of the population.  This is certainly not the case. 

A study was done in the UK, and it was found that roughly:
  • 15% are liberal, totally secular and in Islam in name only.
  • 70%, the main bulk of Muslims, though they take Islam seriously they are basically living in the West to hold a job and make a better life for their children.  They don't care about establishing their religion as the dominant one.  They are certainly sincere in belief in Islam but don't know a terrible lot about it.  They lead relatively normal lives. 
  • 15% are the Muslims said that when it comes time to die for Jihad, that's what they will do!
If the fractions in the UK is a general guide, then out of the 1.5 billion Muslims, 300 million are the more radical type.  This is a lot of people.

Of course it is not fair to base conclusions on the statistics from only one country.  A selection of other statistics:
  • 15% of American Muslims under age 30 believe that suicide attacks in defence of Islam are SOMETIMES justified.
  • 1/3 of British Muslim students of university age believe that killing in the name of Allah is sometimes justified.
  • 40% of British Muslim students want the UK to adopt Shariah.
  • 1/4 of British Muslim students think the 7/7 attacks (the London train bombings in 2005) were justified, on the basis of the war in Iraq and so on.
  • 68% of Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults the name of Islam.
There appears to be more radicalisation in the younger generation of Muslim immigrants than for their parents.  The population of Muslims in America is somewhat between 2 and 4 million or approximately 1% of the total population.  There are more Moslems in the UK than in the United States.  Over 1 million live in London alone. 

This is in the West.  In Muslim countries:
  • 55% of Muslims in Jordan have a positive view of the terrorist organisation Hezbollah.
  • 49% of Egyptian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas, another terrorist organisation.
  • 59% of Indonesian Muslims supported Osama Bin Laden in 2003.  This is no tiny minority of extremists, Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country in the world.
  • 78% of Pakistani Muslims support killing apostates (those who leave Islam).
  • Over 30% of Muslims in Turkey, one of the most moderate Muslim countries, believe that terrorist attacks are justified.
These are very scary statistics about Islam.  People need to know.

These statistics were taken from a CARM Radio interview of Christian apologist David Wood.  I shall endeavour to obtain the sources of these statistics.  But check this interview out.  Many more alarming facts about the Political embodiment of Islam are given in this interview (, Wed 17 - Sat 20 October 2012).

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