Monday, December 31, 2012

The Egyptian who is Pro-Israeli

Maikel Nabil, once put his life on the line for democracy in Egypt.  He was key in the revolution at Tahrir Square for democracy and suffers 10 months of rough treatment in an Egyptian jail under the charge of "insulting the Egyptian army for doing so.
He now speaks out for Israel.  Now a Christian, he can see several truths about Israel:
  • Israel stands out as a beacon for human rights in the Middle East including women's rights, gay rights and religious freedom,
  • Israel is one of the brightest countries in terms of research and innovation - indeed in my own area of research the Israeli university of Ben Gurion is a world leader and
  • Unlike the surrounding Arab countries, Israel has not had a single coupe or revolution accompanying handover of power since its inception, making it a bastian for democracy and stability in the region.
Check out the link here:

Maikel is a good man to speak up in the face of imprisonment and torture.  The Middle East needs more like him.  To change the world, we must start with xorrecting our thinking.  This demands men prepared to speak truth in spite of the consequences.  Men prepared even to sacrifice to their own lives.

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