Friday, November 29, 2013

Persecution in the Central African Republic

Astounded that in a country which is 75% Christian can be overtaken by Islamists, who then proceed to pillage from and kill in Christian areas.

Of course Western media continues portray such stories not for what they are, as a genocide with a Christian backlash movement, but as a "sectarian conflict".

It is relatively rare for Christians to fight back towards Islamist genocides and pogroms.  And when they do, guaranteed there is media coverage.  But when Moslems do their standard driving out and terrorising of Christians and other religious minorities in majority Islam countries, there is no mainstream media coverage.  For example, Buddhists in Myanmar were recently reported as laying out an offensive toward Muslims, but the wide scale persecution of Christians typically goes unreported.

The example of Central African Republic also shows just how precarious the peace in a mixed Muslim - Christian country can be.  What may be a peaceful union of two peoples can quickly degenerate to a situation of mistrust, which is likely responsible for the reactionary and indiscriminate killing of Muslims in response to the Islamist take-over in this country.

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