Saturday, November 30, 2019

Cuss Words in the Hadith

Foul language is to be discouraged in discourse with Muslims.  But did you know that both Prophet Muhammed and Abu Bakr used foul language?  Here are two revolting insults involving male and female body parts.
1. Go bite your father’s male member
Muhammad instructed that one could use filthy language to counter boasting, in this hadith.  The following is taken from an Islamic apologetics website (here).  But as usual, Muslims usually dance about the core issues without really addressing the issue.  
Narrated by Ahmad (35/157); classed as hasan by the commentators on al-Musnad:
“It was narrated from Ubayy ibn Ka‘b that a man boasted in an ignorant manner of his tribal lineage, so he told him to bite his father’s male member, and he did not use a metaphor. The people looked askance at him, so he said to the people: I can see what you are thinking, and I can only say this: that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) instructed us: “If you hear someone boasting in an ignorant manner of his tribal lineage, then tell him to bite his father’s male member, and do not use a metaphor.”
Narrated by Ahmad (35/142); classed as hasan by the commentators on al-Musnad and as sahih by al-Albaani in Sahih al-Jaami‘.
“It was narrated from Ubayy (may Allah be pleased with him) that a man boasted of his tribal lineage, and Ubayy told him to bite his father’s male member, and they said: You were never given to obscene speech! He said: We were instructed to do that.”
Hasan hadiths are not the strongest in terms in terms of reliability.  Sahih hadiths are the most reliable. But Ḥasan (حَسَن) literally means "good".

These hadiths come from the Mishkat al-Masabih and it is not easy to find English translations for this online; otherwise I would supply the link.

2. Go suck the clitoris of Al-Lat

Al-Lat is a pre-Islamic pagan god.  Muhammed cleared her idol from the Kaaba when he conquered Mecca.  It is said that the black stone is figured in the shape of the clitoris of Al-Lat, and here Abu Bakr, one of the companions of Muhammed tells someone to suck it.

Bukhari 54.19 “Hearing that, Abu Bakr abused him”: This English translation is poor, and it appears that the offensive language of the naughty body part has been excluded. The Arabic translation does includes the language “امْصُصْ”  on sucking of the clit. The following is a screengrab from with the offending term in orange:

Translating the orange part specifically using Google Translate, shows what Abu Bakr actually said:

There are other relevant hadiths on this topic of insults of body parts.  These are mentioned here.  And more links to original textual sources here:

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