Monday, December 2, 2013

Shi'ite versus Sunni - a Hallmark of Islam

Another bombing in the Middle East, this time in Lebanon.  Iran supports its fellow Shi'ites in Syria along with Hezbollah.  Many people dead and many more severely injured as Sunnis avenge the military campaigns of Hezbollah in Syria.

Let this example be a testament for those who believe Islam is a religion of peace.  Islam means "submission".  Islam will not rest until all are in submission to Allah.  Unfortunately for Muslims, there are two large branches of Islam, whose theologies are set against each other.  Both sides regard the other to be heretics.  Some  regarding them as halal or kaffir and thence rightfully killed.

In the West, we hear a story of an Islam that is not true.  We hear that the proponents of suicide bombings and attacks are extremists, that they are only a tiny proportion of the population and that they do not represent the real Islam.  This story is largely fictitious.  It may be compatible with the practice of many Muslims living in West.  Yet it does not match the reality of Islam.  You can see the reality by how Sunni and Shi'ite treat each other in the Middle East.

The peaceful verses in the Quran, such as "there is no compulsion in religion", stem from the words of Mohammed made early in his life.  They are abrogated or superseded by statements made later in his life to subjugate the unbeliever, as has been clearly explained by this Muslim blogger hereHere he quotes the words of Muhammad 

"I have been ordered to fight people until they profess that there is no god but Allah" Sahih Muslim 1:30, Sahih Bukhari 1:2:25, Quran 9:5
One of the key concepts in Islam is Jihad.  Jihad is the unofficial sixth pillar of Islam and duty of every Muslim.  With Shi'ite and Sunni set against each other, Islam will never be strong.  As Jesus said:
"A house divided itself cannot stand." Matthew 12:25

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